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Chang Tso Chi

Nationality : Taiwan


Chang Tso-chi was born in Jiayi, Taiwan, in 1961. He first majored in electrical engineering, and then went on to study film and drama at the Chinese Culture University, graduating in 1987. He found work in the film industry as a camera assistant and very quickly moved on to work as an assistant director, first to Yu Kan-Ping, then to Yim Ho and Tsui Hark. In 1988, he worked as Hou Hsiao-Hsien’s first assistant director on A City of Sadness. Between 1989 and 1993 he divided his time between assistant director jobs and writing/directing public service short films and TV programmes.

In 1992 he won a government subsidy for production of his screenplay Shooting in the Dark, but subsequently turned down the money because of disagreements with the intended producer. The film (his debut feature) was eventually made the following year for a Hong Kong company, but he disowned the result when the editing was taken out of his hands by the producer Jacob Cheung. His three features since then have all been made through his own independent production company in Taipei. In 2000, he produced, wrote and directed the TV series "The Car is Moving".

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