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Mapping Hong Kong film locations
Hong Kong Island 4/4 - Page 4
Author(s) : Gary Wong
Thomas Podvin
Date : 22/5/2010
Type(s) : Information
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People :
Cheng Man Fai
Cecilia Cheung Pak Chi
Stephen Chow Sing Chi
Stephen Chow Sing Chi
Gillian Chung Yun Tung
Vincent Kok Tak Chiu
Alex Lam Chi Sin
Karena Lam Kar Yan
Law Chi Leung
Lee Siu Kei
Jingle Ma Choh Sing
Heiward Mak Hei Yan
Francis Ng Chun Yu
Edmond Pang Ho Cheung
Richie Ren Yin Chi
Tin Kai Man
Simon Yam Tat Wah
Movies :
Fly Me To Polaris
Full Throttle
The God Of Cookery
Infernal Affairs II
Inner Senses
King Of Comedy
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Southern District -- Aberdeen is an area on the south shore of Hong Kong Island also known as the Southern District. Aberdeen Harbour is a harbour between Aberdeen and Ap Lei Chau. Many places in the Southern District have a long development history. Info on the district can be found on the the Home Affairs Department website. (Map of the area)

Stanley Municipal Services Building / 赤柱市政大廈

Location: 6 Stanley Market Road, Stanley 赤柱市場道6號
Film: Exodus 出埃及記 (2007) / Dir: Edmond Pang Ho-cheung 彭浩翔

赤 柱市政大廈於2006年初落成,由政府斥資1億7千萬港元興建。大廈揉合了環保綠化、
寧靜空間的概念,是政府少見富時代感的建築。負責設計的建築署高級建 築師溫灼均
(Thomas Wan Chuck-kwan)表示﹕「我並不想把赤柱市政大廈設計得像一個盒子,
人們困在盒子裏活動,令人有侷促感,所以每一個設計都要仔細考慮,希望能給人一 種空間無限的感覺,在室內也像在室外一樣。」這座將人、大自然和社區融為一體的建築物,
更榮獲2006香港建築師學會的「全年建築大獎」。在電影《出埃及 記》中,市政大廈成了沙展
4332詹建業 (任達華 / Simon Yam) 當值的警署。

Stanley Municipal Services Building was built early 2006 by the government at a cost of HKD 170 million. It is a rare contemporary government building which integrates people, nature and community together. In 2006, this building was given the Hong Kong Institute of Architects Award.
In Exodus, the building turns into the police station where the desk cop Tsim Kin-Yip (Simon Yam) works.

Data and photos provided by Gary Wong.

The Shek O Health Centre/ 石澳健康院

Rocky Bay Beach 石澳後灘

Location: The Shek O Health Centre, Shek O Rd, Shek O, Hong Kong 石澳健康院
Film: King of Comedy 喜劇之王 (1999) / Dir: Stephen Chow, Lee Lik-chi 周星馳,李力持

在 石澳巴士站右旁,豎立一個「石澳健康院」牌坊,從那裡往前走一分鐘,便會看見這座細小
的健康院。如有看過星爺的《喜劇之王》(King of Comedy),應會對這裡有點兒印象,因這是戲
中的東區街坊福利會場景,戲痴尹天仇 (周星馳 / Stephen Chow) 曾在這裡教過柳飄飄
(Cecilia Cheung) 如何演活一個純情學生妹。健康院後是石澳後灘 (Rocky Bay Beach),
尹亦曾在那裡教過田雞 (田啟文 / Tin Kai-man) 如何引用史坦尼斯拉夫斯基那「由外到內再到

The Shek O Health Centre is one minute walking distance from the Shek O bus stop. When facing the Shek O bus terminus, on your left hand side, there is a lane with and arch. Take the lane and walk for about one minute, until you see the health centre on your right (at the back of the school). If you walk pass the health centre, you'll reach the beach.

In King of Comedy, the health centre becomes the Eastern District Welfare Association where Wan Tin-Sau (Stephen Chow) teaches club girl Lau Piu-Piu (Cecilia Cheung) how to act as an innocent schoolgirl so as to better seduce customers and to make more money in her club. Behind the health centre, on the Rocky Bay Beach, Wan Tin-Sau also teaches Frog (Tin Kai-man) how to convey pain through facial expressions by referring to the "from outside to inside then back to outside" drama theory of Stanislavski.

From outside to inside then back to outside

Data and photos provided by Gary Wong.

Tai Tam Harbour / 大潭港

Tai Tam Harbour 大潭港

Tai Tam Tuk Village 大潭篤村

Location: Tai Tam Tuk Village and Tai Tam Harbour Tai Tam Rd, Hong Kong 大潭篤村
Film: Ex 前度 (2010) / Dir: Heiward Mak 麥曦茵

大 潭港是香港島上唯一一處有紅樹林的地方,也是香港唯一一個有自然環境掩護的潮間帶泥灘。
大潭港西面為大潭篤水塘,東岸則有爛泥灣,環境恬靜,是香港其中一 個水上活動熱點。
在電影《前度》(Ex) 中,大潭港埋藏著周怡 (鍾欣桐 / Gillian Chung) 與她的前度的種種回憶。

This is the only place in HK where we can find a mangrove. Tai Tam Harbour also is a popular water sports site.
In Heiward Mak's Ex, the harbour buries the good moments Zhou Yi (Gillian Chung) had with her ex boyfriend.

Data and photos provided by Gary Wong.

Tin Hau Temple, Shek O /石澳天后廟

Location: Tin Hau Temple, 333 Shek O Village石澳村333號
Film: The King of Comedy 喜劇之王 (1999) / Dir: Stephen Chow, Lee Lik-chi 周星馳,李力持

石 澳天后廟約建於1890年代,廟內保存一塊清朝光緒十七年(1891年)的匾額,2010年4月16日
被確認為三級歷史建築。在《喜劇之王》(The King of Comedy) 中,尹天仇 (周星馳 / Stephen Chow)
受洪爺 (林子善 / Lam Chi-sin) 所托,教甜筒輝 (鄭文輝 / Cheng Man-fai) 如何演活一個黑社會,
向正在天后廟前拍戲的攝製隊收陀地,但卻遇上大惡人基哥 (李兆基 / Lee Siu-kei) ......

The Shek O Tin Hau Temple was built in the 1890s under the Qing Dynasty. The temple was recognized as a grade III historical building in April 2010.
In King of Comedy, Wan Tin-Sau (Stephen Chow) is asked by Hung Ya (Lam Chi-sin) to teach Hui (Cheng Man-fai) how to act as a triad by showing Hui how to racketeer a crew filming in front of the temple. Unfortunately they run into a tough gangster (Lee Siu-kei) here. This sequence in front of the temple is one of the most hilarious scenes from the movie.

Data and photos provided by Gary Wong.

Chung Hom Kok / 舂坎角炮台

Location: Chung Hom Kok Battery, end of Chung Hom Kok road, Hong Kong Island 舂坎角炮台
Film: Full Throttle 烈火戰車 (1995) / Dir: Derek Yee 爾冬陞

Film: Inner Senses 異度空間 (2002) / Dir: Law Chi-leung 羅志良

舂 坎角炮台位於舂坎角半島南端舂坎角道的盡頭,建於1930年代,目的為加強香港島的防衛。
炮台共有兩個炮床,一號炮床已改建成慈氏安養院,二號炮床則已成 為市民熱門的郊遊燒烤
地點。在電影《烈火戰車》(Full Throttle) 中,亦敵亦友的 Joe (劉德華 / Andy Lau) 與 David (吳大維 /
David Wu) 曾在這裡說交心話;而在《異度空間》(Inner Senses) 中,Jim (張國榮 / Lesile Cheung)
與章昕 (林嘉欣 / Karena Lam) 也曾在這裡甜蜜地談心。

Chung Hom Kok Battery is in the southern part of the Chung Hom Kok peninsula, at the end of Chung Hom Kok Road. It was built in 1930s to reinforce the defence of the Hong Kong Island. The battery consists of two gun beds. The first one has been converted into the Cheshire Home, a care hospital, while the other one has become a popular barbecue site.

In Full Throttle, Joe (Andy Lau) and David (David Wu) confide to each other at the Chung Hom Kok Battery.
In Inner Senses, Jim (Leslie Cheung) and Cheung Yan (Karena Lam) have a sweet conversation there.

Data and photos provided by Gary Wong.

Maison De Bethanie - The Academy's Landmark Heritage Campus 伯大尼演藝學院古跡校園

Location: 139 Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong Island 薄扶林道139號
Film: Fly Me to Polaris 星願 (1999) / Dir: Jingle Ma 馬楚成

伯 大尼修院於1875年由巴黎外方傳教會 (The Missions Etrangères de Paris) 建成,修院運作百年後關閉成為政府建築物,1981年列入二級歷史建築,香港大學亦曾於1978
年至1997年間借用過修院。2003年3月,立法會正式 批准香港演藝學院將伯大尼及隔鄰的
在電願《星願》(Fly Me to Polaris) 中,伯大尼變成一座醫院,這裡見證著護士秋男(張柏芝 /
Cecilia Cheung)與洋蔥頭 (任賢齊 / Richie Ren) 那段短暫但真摰的愛情.

Maison De Bethanie was built by the Missions Etrangeres de Paris in 1875 as a sanatorium. In 1981 it was listed as a grade II listed historical building. The University of Hong Kong occupied the buildings between 1978 and 1997. Now Maison De Bethanie belongs to the campus of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts.

In Fly Me to Polaris, Maison De Bethanie is dressed as a hospital where the romance between Cecilia Cheung and Richie Ren blooms.

Data and photos provided by Gary Wong.

Jumbo Floating Restaurant /珍寶海鮮舫

click to enlarge

The Jumbo Kingdom珍寶王國 = Jumbo Floating Restaurant 珍寶海鮮舫 + Tai Pak Floating Restaurant 太白海鮮舫

Location: Wong Chuk Hang, Aberdeen, HONG KONG

Film: God of Cookery 食神 (1996) / Dir. Stephen Chow, Lee Lik-chi 周星馳, 李力持
Film: Infernal Affairs 2 无间道2 (2003) / Dir. Andrew Lau, Alan Mak 劉偉強, 麥兆輝

已有30多年歷史的珍寶海鮮舫是香港其中一個最重要的旅遊地標。在電影《食神》中,周星馳 (Stephen Chow) 與谷德昭 (Bull Tong / Vincent Kok) 在這裡為食神寶座展開對決
The Jumbo Kingdom consists of the Jumbo Floating Restaurant and the Tai Pak Floating Restaurant. Both floating restaurant are located in the Aberdeen Harbour. The Jumbo Floating Restaurant has more than 30 years of history. It is also one of the most important tourism landmarks in Hong Kong.

In the movie God of Cookery, Stephen Chow (Stephen Chow) and Bull Tong (Vincent Kok) compete for the title of God of Cookery here.

This is also the place where Ngai Wing-Hau (Francis Ng) is arrested (at a government party) in Infernal Affairs 2.

Data provided by Gary Wong and David Vivier. Photos by Gary Wong.

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